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Emo Communication Box WordPress plugin

Emo Communication Box WordPress plugin

Emo communication box (ECB) is a WordPress plugin that helps the users to create a communication box for WordPress website. This box is fix on the screen and the admin of website is able to customize some of the box’s style like background color, or the position of icon box.

In ECB WordPress plugin WhatsApp and Phone are as default communication ways and also user can define another one.

The admin page of ECB WordPress plugin is divided into three different section. In first section user can active the communication box icon and other sections as shown in below image.

In the second section users are able to define their communication links or phone number. Following image shows this section.

Emo Communication Box WordPress plugin

Finally, in third section there are some customization style settings. Indeed, user can change the background color or set the position of icons in WordPress website.

Emo Communication Box WordPress plugin

At the end, by clicking on the save settings button all setting will be saved and the icon in website will look like the below image

Emo Communication Box WordPress plugin
Box icon before click
Emo Communication Box WordPress plugin
Box icon after click

You can get the latest version of ECB WordPress plugin from here. Additionally, if you are a developer and desire to develop it you can fork it from my GitHub repository.

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